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SmilePlus Dental Care, 4 Glasgow Road, Edinburgh, EH12 8HL

HYGIENIST: Give your smile a deep clean

20 March 2017

Today is World Oral Health Day, so a great opportunity for us to remind people about the benefits of maintaining good oral health. Many NHS dentists do not provide a dental hygienist service and you are now able to split your care, visiting one practice to see a dentist and another for your six-monthly clean, so you don’t have to miss out on a regular deep clean.


A visit to a dental hygienist can make a huge difference to the way your teeth look and feel, as well as checking the health of your gums. We use the most advanced cleaning techniques including the revolutionary AirFlow cleaning system to thoroughly clean those hard-to-reach spots. It can also remove light staining, especially common in coffee and red wine drinkers!


The cleaning is one part, but the advice is just as important. There are often discussions about what brush is best, how to floss and whether own brand toothpastes do the same as the more pricey brands. We’ll share our expert advice and give you a tailored approach to meet your individual needs.


For the record, we always advise the use of an electric toothbrush. If you have any hard to reach spots, you should also get a small head for those areas to avoid any decay building up. And yes, floss, floss, floss! But if you don’t like the faff of wrapping the thread around your fingers, we can suggest various alternative options to make flossing a simple part of your everyday oral health routine. And on toothpaste, as long as it has fluoride in it, it should do the job but we can advise on specific brands depending on any concerns you may have.


We’ll also highlight the benefits of avoiding sugary foods and drinks, brushing twice a day and having regular check-ups. A consultation with our hygienist may well get you back on track if you’ve let things slide, and there’s no better way to kick-start a new oral health routine, than with a deep clean.


We’re offering 50% off your first dental hygienist visit until the end of April. Just mention this blog when you book.

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" I couldn't thank Fiona and everyone at SmilePlus Dental enough for their help over the last two years. They have made the whole process of Invisalign so easy and straight forward for me. It "

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" Smileplus give me fast and efficient service. They are friendly and have done a great job in looking after my teeth. I am really pleased with the results of the Six Month Smiles and would highly recommend it to anyone. "

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" I have had three years of freedom with my new implants. They have given me back my life and restored my self-confidence. No longer do I worry about eating or meeting new people. I would certainly recommend anyone to undergo the procedure to begin to live life to the full once again! "

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" SmilePlus has completely changed the way I think about, and care for, my teeth and gums. Fiona, Assunta and the rest of the team take a lot of time to detail what is required for the ‘teeth for life’ objective, with crystal clear explanations of the benefits. "

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